
Listen to me talking and singing

1. I've just finished a residency in Hamburg. More about that later, but for now maybe listen in to a long radio interview I did with some lovely German queers who put together a show for FSK. The whole thing will be streamed but, as far as I know, not archived, so you'll have to listen in. Here are the details.

die nacht mit fairies + cyborgs
Friday 29 April 2011 - that's tomorrow, fuck the royal wedding
22:00 - 01:00 Central European Summer Time


We talked with Emma Ca and Charlotte Cooper about fat activism; cooked a fantastique vegan dinner. sushi, wasabi coated peas, mango salat, pumpkin soup, vegan ice cream cake.

Das Dinner! Die Cyborg-Feen rollen Sushi, knabbern Wasabi-Erbsen, schichten vegane Eisbombe und ertrinken in Erdnusspaste. Dabei nehmen sie mit vollem Mund Lookism-Konzepte auseinander - sprechen über Körpernormierungen, die auch in radikalen Szenen wirksam sind und über queere Schönheitspraktiken.

Kritisch, trashig und strahlend.

Don't read German? Google Translate is your friend

2. My nonsense band, Homosexual Death Drive, is playing a rare show at Scumbag.

21 May 2011
20:30 – late
The Birds Nest
32 Deptford Church Street
London, SE8 4RZ


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